With my 3-month contract finally concluded (after 7 months), and trips to Belgium and Hungary under my belt, the logical next travel destination was Thailand. There's some logic in that, right? No? Ah well, logic is over-rated anyway...
I first heard about this place when I was visiting a mate living in Hong Kong. There was an article in the South China Post about a cleansing program at The Spa on Koh Samui. Titled "Down the Pan", N was reading me excerpts from it while grimacing with disgust.
"It says they eat NOTHING for seven days. Why would somebody do that?"
"Eww...this guy flushed a marble out of his colon that he had eaten when he was 4 years old."
"They pick through their poo with chopsticks. Urgh...yuck. I'm skipping lunch."
So six months later I went to The Spa for the first time and did their seven-day fasting cleanse. It was strange at first, it was certainly uncomfortable going without food for seven days, but ultimately it really was amazing. There were no marbles or lego bricks liberated from my colon, and I couldn't really bring myself to do that thing with the chopsticks, but I was hooked. So there it is. My secret. I've been back to The Spa twice since then (2004 and 2006) so it was no longer strange and unfamiliar and scary for me. Not challenging = boring, so I decided to find somewhere else to do a detox program this time. I found a guy who offered a one-on-one physical and spiritual programme on Koh Pha Ngan, and signed myself up.
All in all, it was a really good experience but much much more difficult than my visits to The Spa. Mostly that was down to the fact that I couldn't stomach the juice/clay mixture, which meant I was hungry for almost the entire week. Also, as I was the only person doing this course, spending a lot of time with only my nutrient-starved brain for company wasn't as pleasant as I would have hoped. Oooh, plus I was forced to do yoga every morning which I HATED passionately. I hated the teacher, I hated the broiling humidity we practiced in, and I hated the fact that I couldn't do any of the stretches. However - proving once again how incomprehensible the female psyche is - I ended up really missing the yoga once it was over, and even paid to attend some more classes a few days later.
So that was the end of my idyllic island retreat. I sailed back to Koh Samui, passing final preparations for that night's Full Moon Party at Haad Rin without an ounce of regret at missing it. My next stop was Ho Chi Minh City - my former hometown - and I was terrified about the amount of change I was likely to see after six long years away.
Oh, I appear to have forgotten to mention earlier that this trip coincided with the anti-government rioting in Bangkok that saw the centre of town blockaded by protesters and a number of buildings, and the Sky-train, fire-bombed. There was no way I was going to let burning buildings and an official "reconsider your travel" warning stop me from spending time in Bangkok. But, in a concession to the fact that at my age I'm supposed to be a responsible adult, I decided to delay the Bangkok leg of the trip until after I returned from Vietnam. By this stage, the riots had been ongoing for more than a week, and with rioters already having burned down Bangkok's largest shopping mall, and survived one attempt by government troops to clear them out of the centre, I figured they'd get bored and run out of things to burn before too long. I gave them two weeks to sort their shit out. In the meantime - Vietnam!