This sticker is funny. You can read up about Schrodinger's famous thought experiment here if you like, but I'm guessing if you're not already familiar with it you won't be very interested in the explanation. I'm really such a nerd.

NINJA EDIT: A friend has pointed out that I'm really only a Pop-Nerd because my nerdiness doesn't extend beyond popular science/internet fads/etcetera. Apparently you need to be much more well-versed in the obscure to qualify for the Nerd crown. Damn it! Not only will I never be geek-chic (due to a complete inability to comprehend the concept of megabytes and ram and all that crap) but I now realise I'm going to have to work a lot harder to be accepted into the Halls of Nerd-dom as well. Will seek out the latest Lynne Truss book to guide me along the path, she's one big nerd.
1 comment:
Love it :-D
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