I think the Leap Day that occurs once every four years should be a holiday, don't you? It's a unique day: a "catch-up" day because the mathematics of a 365-day year doesn't quite match the physics of the earth's orbit around the sun. I think that deserves a public holiday; that way I could catch up on the sleep I've missed because the mathematics of working all day and socialising in the evening doesn't quite match the physics of requiring 8 hours of rest every night.
So, dear sister, what have I been up to these last few weeks I hear you ask? Well apart from watching Camden burn to the ground, I've been going to the theatre, doing walks both in London and out in the countryside, hanging out with friends, drinking in pubs, proofing and editing my mate's first novel, joining in as a member of the studio audience for a BBC4 quiz show, catching up on series two of Doctor Who and checking out the hot Polish labourers who come into the office where I'm temping. And no it wasn't one of them who told me to f*ck off.
Being back in London is O for Awesome (Kiwi in-joke there) and I'm trying my damnedest to arrange my work and financial situation in such a way that will allow me to switch to a longer-term visa before my current one expires next February. A pox upon all of you with British Ancestry visas or EU passsports!! I hope to have some good job news in the next week or so - will keep you posted.