
Sunday, 10 February 2008


I definitely coined that phrase before Amy Winehouse blabbed it during her Grammy acceptance speech. It was while I was standing in the street, mouth open, staring at the flames leaping 30 metres in the air as the Camden markets burned. Some friends and I had arranged to meet up for drinks there last night. I was in the West End eating dinner with one of them when we got a text from another saying that there was a big fire in Camden. Fearing that they'd close down the tube and I'd miss out on drinking the night away at my favourite pub, we high-tailed it over there asap. Stepping outside the tube station I saw just how big the fire was, and these photos don't come close to doing it justice. It was awesome. My inner pyromaniac was enjoying every second of it; while one mate was cautioning me to stay back because it was "dangerous", I was itching to race closer and snap some photos before the cops and firemen pushed back the crowds. It was sooo not dangerous, we were at least two blocks away. Eventually the cops did close down the street so we went to the pub as planned. A nice little distraction, and just like the time I revelled in the building across the road from my office collapsing into the street last year I feel a guilt-free pleasure in enjoying this spectacle of destruction because nobody was injured. Damn London is fun.

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