
Sunday, 8 February 2009


I'm currently in Melbourne for work, and am shivering in 25˚ heat. Yesterday was blistering - the mercury here reached 46.4˚C and there was a ferocious, searing hot wind accompanying the scorching sun. It felt like I was in the middle of a desert, not walking around the streets of Victoria's capital city. It was immense and powerful heat, apparently the hottest ever recorded in Melbourne. It wasn't unbearable (for short periods, in the shade, with a bottle of water glued to one's lips) but with the sun/wind/dry heat combination it was definitely the most intense hot weather experience I've had. Not a good time to be wandering around the streets or standing in a tin shed at a stall, which is what I was doing. The contrast between yesterday and today has me shivering at a temperature that is the equivalent of a London summer.

Not unexpectedly, the combination of drought and heat yesterday set off some ferocious bushfires. While driving out to Springvale at 3pm I saw the sky ahead of me turn an ominous shade of orange/purple. The colour is hard to explain, except to say that it was pretty bloody threatening. When I woke up this morning I saw on the news that there have been dozens killed in a bushfire. It's horrifying. Hopefully the cool weather today will help the firemen tame the blazes.

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