
Tuesday, 16 June 2009


In an oh-so-subtle reference to my lack of recent blog updates, I offer you this article from the New York Times on The Joy of Less.

It reminds me also of a Danish study that found that the secret to happiness is to have low expectations. This makes good sense. I've always found that being pessimistic and then surprised by good things happening makes me feel more joyful than those times I've built up high expectations only to be slightly disappointed by reality.

For example, I had low expectations of my recent trip to China but ended up thoroughly enjoying myself. I'll eventually find the time to blog about that trip and attach some pretty photos for your viewing pleasure. By being so slack in updating you on my travels, I'm actually keeping expectations low and therefore increasing your happiness when I finally post something interesting. So this irregular blogging schedule is all for your benefit, really.

(See what I did there?)

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