I hate returning to London with no home, no job, and sod-all money in the bank. Reality sucks.
I'm very lucky, however, to have fabulous friends who took pity on me when I first returned and let me stay in their spare room while I recovered from jetlag and tried to get my job-hunting head screwed on.
Since then, I've spent time cat-sitting in Southwark while a mate took a short trip back to Australia, and am now house-sitting a lovely apartment on the riverside in Vauxhall for the delightful SR. SR is travelling for the next month or so, and though she doesn't have cats that need feeding or plants that need watering, she's very generously offered her home to me while I try to find a rental property that doesn't smell like socks and have mould growing out of the wall. Just doing her part to keep down the number of hobos living on the streets, I guess. Thanks S!!
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