
Thursday, 22 February 2007


Every day now consists of searching the internet for flats and jobs. Flats and jobs. Flats and jobs. This trip has been a series of obsessions. When I was packing up to leave Sydney I was obsessed with finding free boxes. I could spot a good, sturdy packing box at 25 paces, and I even knew which day the businesses in George Street put out their recycling boxes. I did very well on the box front.

My next obsession was luggage. What I placed in my luggage, how much it weighed, how many pieces of baggage there were. On the drive to Queensland, it was spread out all over my car. The Rocky-Sydney flight let me check in two pieces as long as they were lightish, then I had to repack for Sydney-London because they had a heavier weight limit but it had to be in one bag. When I arrived in London on Monday I packed things I need immediately in one bag, and things I don't really need until I have a job in the other one, so I only need to access one regularly. I realise this doesn't make for interesting reading, but these are the thoughts that consumed my every waking moment. Luggage.

Now I'm obsessed with seeking out flats and jobs. I'm not really good at divided attention, so instead of going hard to find one then the other, I'm kind of doing a half-hearted job at both. Still waiting for the perfect flat and job to drop out of the bleak London sky. On that note, it was sunny and relatively warm today. Blue skies in London. I took lots of photos to prove it.

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